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Job Assistance Guide

This guide offers information about setting up emails, job sites, resume and interviewing tips, and other resources for training and finding work. This guide spans from immediate job needs to those who are looking for new careers.

Free Email Providers


  • No phone required (but recommended for account recovery)                                                      


Outlook (formerly Hotmail):


  • Free and paid versions
  • No phone number required 


Creating a Strong Password

-A strong password is one that would be difficult for a human or a robot to guess, but easy for you to remember. 

-Do not use easily identifiable personal information, such as your birthday, anniversary, street address, name, etc. 

-Never use “password” or anything similar as your password. 

-Avoid patterns. Don’t use “asdfg” or “qwerty” or “1234”. Besides being too short, they are also easy to figure out (right next to each other on the standard American keyboard). 

-Use at least twelve characters. The longer the better. 

-Consider creating a passphrase. 

Two examples: 

Take four random words and put them together. For example: ExitTrumpetPulverizeMarket.

Take a sentence you will find easy to remember and remove all the letters but the first two of each word. 

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” becomes ItWaThBeofTiItWaThWoofTi

To make them even stronger, add numbers and special characters (#$%, etc.) throughout. 

-Use a different password for each account. 

-Change your passwords frequently (at least every six months). 

-Do not share your passwords with anyone. 

-If you have to write your passwords down (which is not recommended), always keep the list on your person (in your wallet, for example).

Do not leave the list near your computer or anywhere someone might see it.

-Consider a password manager. But do your research first.

By clicking on the image above, you will be taken to a tutorial created by the Goodwill Community Foundation that gives in-depth information about all aspects of email. To return to this LibGuide, press the back arrow on your browser. 

Worcester County Library - 307 North Washington Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863 Email: | Phone: 410-632-2600 | Fax: 410-632-1159